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Long's Couch

The Item

Item Description:

My friend's gray couch

Location & Means of Recieval:

My friend's apartment in Brooklyn

Special Details:

Ideal nap location

Time Period of Impact:

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021

The Story

During quarantine, our friend Long's apartment was the go-to place for me and a few other friends to go to. Whether it was to study together because we were taking the same classes, talk for hours and hours about our lives, get food and coming back to eat, accidentally fall asleep, or be the default place to go to after recitation since Long's place was near campus, the apartment became our default hangout spot during a time where we couldn't really go out. Although this object compared to the others on this website is not one that I own myself, it is associated a lot with these memories since its where they all took place. Serving as the only place to actually sit as a guest, the couch has accidentally had its importance in our memories there.

On the left, for example, it was where we sat and hang out during our "Galentine's celebration".

The Experience

Sims 4....but for your couch? Pick an activity (and turn on your sound!)

Study for your next Computer Science exam
Sit and scroll on TikTok
Order GrubHub and eat dinner
Continue watching that anime show you were watching with friends