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Life on Film

The Item

Item Description:

Kodak Disposable Camera

Location & Means of Recieval:

Bought at a local corner store

Time Period of Impact:

June 2021-Present

Special Details:

  • Holds 27 shots of film
  • Portable
  • Comes in different models

The Story

Growing up, I've always been interested in photography. Whether it was taking photos on my iPhone and editing them in free mobile apps, taking a course at the YMCA, shooting photoshoots with friends, or doing it in my casual time, I have always been interested in using photography as a means of artistic expression. But, it wasn't until I took notice to how taking film photos with a disposable camera was becoming popular online did I become interested in how I can change how I celebrate and document my own memories with friends and of life in general.

What I loved about the idea of shooting on film though is the nostalgic, wholesome, almost "dream-like" feel that film photos have, making every shot taken feel already like a faded memory from a decade ago that you're already looking back. Besides this, the nature of the disposable camera itself is what also helps feed into the free-spirited notion of "living-in-the-moment", as taking a photo takes only a few seconds, only for the photos to only be allowed to be seen once they are developed. This subtle idea makes it easier to carry on with the memory you are in the middle of making and continue to enjoy yourself in the presence of others without any interruption.

In this way, I was interested in how I can use the means of film to preserve memories with friends and document what happens around me in a more lively and sentimental manner, one that is a huge change from the rushed, chaotic, and superficial nature of how we document our lives on social media. Because of this, nowadays I like to carry around disposable cameras with me during special occasions as well as love to get involved with my friends who shoot film.

The Experience

Below are just some of the photos I've taken on film before!